1st Lt. Howard L. Anderson Crews
721st Squadron

Rear (L-R)
Sgt. Charles A. Shafer - Eng/Top Turret Gunner
2nd Lt. George W. Murray - Bombardier
F/O Lawrence Levinson - Navigator
2nd Lt. Howard L. Andersen - Pilot
2nd Lt. Joseph F. Henchman - Co-Pilot
T/Sgt. Harold C. Johncour - Crew Chief
Front (L-R)
Sgt. Robert Acosta - Tail Gunner
Sgt. William J. Ford - Radio Operator
Sgt. Byron H. Nelson (& "Butch") - Waist Gunner
Sgt. Edward W. Molenda - Waist Gunner
Sgt. Fred L. Walch - Asst Eng/Nose Gunner
Picture courtesy of Dave Henchman, son of Joseph Henchman
This is from the Facebook page for the Defense POW/MIA accounting Agency dated December 13, 2016.
Army Air Forces Staff Sgt. Byron H. Nelson, Missing from World War II, has now been accounted for.
On April 25, 1944, Nelson was a member of the 721st Bomb Squadron, 450th Bomb Group, 15th Air Force, and was the nose gunner aboard an American B-24G Liberator bomber.
While flying from Manduria, Italy, to a target area near Varese, Italy, three aircraft became separated from the formation due to dense clouds. Nelson's aircraft was one that disappeared.
It was later learned that eight of the 10 people in his aircraft parachuted from the bomber after being attacked by German fighters. Six crewmen were able to successfully escape and two were captured.
A captured crewman was told that two perished in the crash, one being Nelson.
On Sept. 9, 1947, the American Graves Registration Service disinterred remains from a cemetery near Fognano, Italy, where they were reportedly buried by local residents following the crash.
The remains were unable to be identified and were re-interred as “Unknown X-190” in the Florence American Cemetery on May 26, 1949.
Due to new historical investigations and new technology that could link an identification to Unknown X-190, the remains were disinterred in August 2015.
DNA analysis and circumstantial evidence were used in the identification of his remains.
Interment services are pending.
Welcome Home and rest in peace, Staff Sgt. Nelson.
Howard L |
Pilot |
Ford, William J |
Radio |
Henchman, Joseph F |
Co-Pilot |
Levinson, Lawrence |
Navigator |
Molenda, Edward W |
Gunner |
Murray, George W Jr |
Bombardier |
Nelson, Byron H |
Gunner |
MiA |
Walch, Fred L |
Gunner |
Welty, Raymond F. |
Engineer |
White, John E |
Gunner |
Link to MACR 4645