2nd Lt. Raymond Wnukowski Crew
720th Squadron

Back Row Left to Right
Cpl Charles G Bentel Jr - Engineer
Cpl Robert C Hartmann - Nose Gunner
Cpl Morton Burdman - Radio
Cpl Emory O Jones - Ball Turret
Cpl Robert H Dale - Waist Gunner
Cpl John A Charron - Tail Gunner
Front Row Left to Right
2nd Lt Raymond Wnukowski - Pilot
2nd Lt George L Friederichs - Co-pilot
2nd Lt James R Van Slambrouck - Navigator
2nd Lt Robert E Riley - Bombardier

In front of the Parachute Building in Manduria
Left to Right
Bob Hartman, Emory Jones, Bob Riley, Ray Wnukowski, Morton Burdman, George Friederichs & Charles Bentel
This picture provided by Emory Jones

The missions with the X beside them are the missions the crew participated in.



Information courtesy of Robert E. Riley, 720th Squadron