1st Lt. Wesley W. Turner Crew
723rd Squadron

Left to Right
Cpl. Michael F. Carey, gunner (dark haired guy squatting)
2nd Lt. Robert J. Israel, Co-Pilot (guy in front of Carey with officer's hat on)
Cpl. Joseph M. Ryan, gunner (right in front of Israel laying in the grass)
2nd Lt. Vincent W. Burinskas, Navigator ( sitting up next to Israel)
1st Lt. Wesley W. Turner, Pilot (center of photo with officer's hat)
Sgt. Kenneth R. Bauer, Engineer (sitting in front of Turner)
Sgt. Ben W. Butts, Nose Gunner (hat on next to your grandpa)
Cpl. Stanley R. Fink, Gunner (squatting next to grandpa without a hat)
Cpl. Matthew J. Florczak, Tail Gunner (last guy on the right smoking).


Information courtesy of Chuck Knaub, Grandson of Kenneth Bauer