Cpl. Rene Reuse
723rd Squadron

Rene In Rome
Rene In Front of Paoli Local

Left to Right: - Rene Reuse, Anthony Sica and Arthur Roach. Notice our new shower in background

Left to Right: - Lowell Payne, Rene Reuse and Arthur Roach. Notice we didn't have the hot water barrel yet, only sun heated water.
Rene Reuse [450th Bomber Group, 723rd Squadron] was born and raised in Milltown, NJ.
He entered the service in 1943 and was sent to Miami Beach for basic training.
Then he went to Buckley Field , Colorado for training on 20mm cannons and 50 mm machine guns and then to Lowery Field in Colorado for turret maintenance training.
Next he was sent to Salt Lake City for assignment.
From there he was sent to the 450th Bomb Group, 723rd squadron, in Almogordo, NM.
In December he was sent overseas, arriving in Naples; he then was sent to Manduria, Italy.
Rene returned to the USA in 1945 aboard the West Point. He was then sent to Tucson, AZ for training on B29's.
When the war ended he was sent back to Fort Dix for discharge in October 1945.
Rene married Mary Feaster on October 19, 1947. They had three daughters and one son, and five grandchildren.
Rene was employed at Permacel, a Division of Johnson and Johnson, in the machine shop for 45 years. He retired in 1986.
Link To Obituary Notice
Information courtesy of Richard Reuse, son of Rene Reuse