Cpl. Charles H. MacElroy III
723rd Squadron

MacElroy was subbing on the Lt Robert Hogan crew on a 19 Jan 45 mission to Brod, Yugoslavia, when the ship, Daisy May, was hit by flak. Only the pilot, Hogan, and the flight engineer survived. MacElroy went down with the ship. MacElroy was from Belmont, Massachusetts and was a good friend of Alfred W. Young Jr. MacElroy and Young went through combat crew training together in Charleston and shipped overseas together in Dec 44. Young ended up being assigned to the 376th Bombardment Group (Heavy) and flew out of San Pancrazio. The attached picture of Young and MacElroy was taken in Cuba during combat crew training. MacElroy is on the left. Like MacElroy, Young was also a radio operator/gunner. Luckily, he survived the war and made the Air Force his career.
Information courtesy of Stuart Young, son of Alfred Young.
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