S/Sgt. Era P. Horton
721st Squadron

Biography of Era P. Horton
Born : 10 Aug. 25, Covington, TN
Married: Hazel R.
Thomas 11 Nov. 48 in Hernando, MS
Had a Son Era P. Jr. and daughter Debra Darlene.
Enlisted in the service in late fall of 1943.
Completed training at Keesler Field in Biloxi, MS and went
to Ball Turret School in Pueblo, CO.
After further training he left Lincoln, NE in July of 1944 for the
European Theatre. Arrived in Manduria,
Italy 8 Aug. 44 and Joined the 721st Bomb Sqdn of the 450th
Bomb Group, 15th Air Force.
Flew 50 combat missions over Italy, France, Greece, Romania,
Yugoslavia, Hungary, Austria, and Germany.
Served as part of crew on the Bottom's Up.
After the war he reentered the service in 1946 and Flew as a
crew member on B-25 bombers as a Flt. Engineer and crew chief. He
served overseas in Guam; Molesworth, England; and Elmendorf, AK. He completed
Flt. Engineer training on the B-29 in January 1952. Flew with the 381st Bomb Sqdn . Completed additional training with the B-29
in June 1952 and SAC Survival School in November 1952. Completed Bendix Ignition Analysis Operator
course in December 1953.
In 1955 transitioned into the KB-29 tankers and promoted to
T/Sgt in May 1956. He attended the Air
University Aircraft Maintenance Officer
course and graduated April 1957. In
July 1957 he transitioned into the KB-50.
He was promoted to M/Sgt in 1960 and flew with the 622nd
AREFS out of England AFB, Alexandria,LA.
He was lost on a mission off Kindley AFB, Bermuda on 9 Feb. 62.
His military awards are: Air Medal with 3 Oak Leaf Clusters,
Presidential Unit Citation, Good Conduct Medal, European, Africa, Middle East
Campaign medal with two bronze battle stars, American Campaign medal, World War
II Victory Medal, National Defense Service Medal, and the Air Force Longevity
Medal with 3 oak leaf clusters.
WW II Flight record of Era P. Horton:
- Left
Lincoln, Neb. For Manchester N.H., 7-22-44, 9 Hours
- Left
Manchester for Presque Isle, Maine, 7-25-44, 2 hours 15 minutes
- Left
Presque Isle for Gander, Newfoundland, 7-29-44, 4 hours.
- Left
Gander for Azores, 8-2-44, 9 hours.
- Left
Azores for Marakech, Africa, 8-4-44, 6 hours 45 minutes.
- Left
Marakech for Tunis, Tunisia, 8-5-44, 6 hours 15 minutes.
- Left
Tunis for Joia, Italy, 8-6-44, 3 hours 30 minutes.
- Left
Joia for Manduria, Italy, 8-8-44, 30 minutes.
- Joined
15th AF, 450th BG, 721st Sqdn, 8-9-44
- 8-24-44
Made Buck Sgt.
- 9-22-44
Awarded the Air Medal.
- 12-14-44 Made S/Sgt
Bombing Missions:
- 8-15-44,
North Italy – Gun Emplacements, 6-1,000 lb. bombs, 21,000', 7 hours
- 8-16-44,
Invasion South France, 40-100 lb. bombs, 15,000', 7 hours.
- 8-17-44,
Ploesti, 8-500 lb. bombs, 24,000', 8 hours 15 min., ROUGH
- Double
mission, Ploesti
- 8-22-44,
Vienna, Austria, 4-1,000 lb. bombs, 23,000', 7 hours, ROUGH
- Double
Mission, Vienna, Austria
- 8-26-44,
Danube River, ferry Boat, 10-500lb. bombs, 22,000',7 hours.
- 8-27-44,
Farrera Railroad bridge, N. Italy, 5-1,000lb. Bombs, 22,000', 6hours, nose
gunner hit by flak.
- 8-29-44,
Marshaling yard in Hungary, 10-500 lb. bombs, 22,500', 7 hours
- 9-1-44,
Railroad bridge, Yugoslavia, 5-1,000 lb. bombs, 17,000', 4 hours
- 9-6-44,
North Italy, Engine caught fire in Bottoms Up, turned back 1 hour from
target, 5-1,000 lb. bombs, 4 hours.
- 9-12-44, Munich, Germany, 4-1,000 lb.
bombs, 25,000', 7 hours 45 min., ROUGH
- Double mission to Munich.
- 9-15-44, Greece, 130 miles from Athens,
10-500 lb. bombs, 23,000', 5 hours
- 9-18-44, Budapest, Hungary, bridge
between Buda and Pest, 2-2,000lb. bombs, 24,000', 7 hours.
- 9-20-44, Malacky, Slavakia, 240-20 lb.
frags., 21,000', 7 hours 50 min.
- Double mission to Malacky, Slavakia.
- 9-24-44, Athens, Greece, 40-100 lb.
bombs, 20,000', 5 hours.
- 10-4-44, Brenner Pass, 8-500 lb. bombs,
23,000', 7 hours
- 10-11-44, Yugoslavia, 8-500 lb. bombs,
23,000', 4 hours.
- 10-13-44, Budapest marshaling yard,
8-500 lb. bombs, 23,000', 7 hours.
- 10-16-44, Vienna, Austria, St.
Valentine, 8-500 lb. bombs, 26,000', 7 hours 30 min.
- Double mission Vienna, Wiener Nuistadt,
- 10-31-44, Yugoslavia, 10-500 lb. bombs,
19,000', 4 hours 30 min.
- 11-7-44, Brenner Pass, 3-2,000 lb.
bombs, 21,000', 7 hours.
- 11-12-44, Vienna, Austria area, 8-500
lb. bombs, 23,000', 7 hours 30 minutes, Lone Eagles, Night.
- Double mission Vienna.
- 11-20-44, Yugoslavia, bridge, 6-1,000
lb. bombs, 19,000', 5 hours.
- 11-23-44, Yugoslavia, bridge, 3-2,000
lb. bombs, 16,000', 5 hours 30 min.
- 12-20-44, Salsburg, Germany, Marshaling
Yard, 8-500 lb. Bombs, 24,000', 8 hours 50 min.
- Double mission, Salsburg
- 12-29-44, Brenner Pass, 6-1,000 lb.
bombs, 22,000', 7 hours 40 min.
- 1-15-45, Vienna, Austria, 8-500 lb.
bombs, 25,000', 7 hours 35 min.
- Double mission Vienna.
- Stand Down 1-16-45 to 1-31-45.
- 1-31-45, Vienna, Austria, 8-500 lb.
bombs, 24,000', 7 hours 35 min.
- double mission Vienna.
- 2-5-45, Salsburg, Germany, 8-500 lb.
bombs, 25,000', 8 hours.
- Double mission Salsburg.
- 2-8-45, Vienna, Austria, 8-500 lb.
bombs, 24,000', 7 hours 30 min.
- Double mission Vienna
- 2-28-45, Salsburg, Germany, 5-1,000 lb.
bombs, 26,000', 7 hours 40 min.
- Double mission Salsburg.
- 3-8-45, 30 miles west of Budapest, 8-500
lb. bombs, 26,000',7 hours 30 min.
- Double mission Budapest & Vienna
- 3-14-45, Zagreb, Yugoslavia, 3-1,000 lb.
Bombs, 20,000', 6 hours.
- 3-20-45, St. Valentine area, 5-1,000 lb.
bombs, 21,000', 6 hours 25 min.
- 3-21-45, Between Munich &
Regensburg, Germany, airfield, 240
Frags, 20,000', 8 hours.
- 3-23-45, Polten, Austria, 40-100 lb.
bombs, 20,000', 7 hours.
- Double mission Polten.


Horton and Babbs
Information provided by Era Horton, son of Era P. Horton
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