2nd Lt. Robert S. Hogan
723rd Squadron

2nd Lt. Robert S. Hogan

Lt. Hogan in a Trainer

Lt. Hogan is on the far left

Robert and Richard meeting with Bob Crane - 1966

November 1966 - Hogan and Crane



My dad, 2nd Lt. Robert Hogan, was the pilot of the B-24 "Daisy Mae", a member of the 723rd. They were shot down over Brod, Yugoslavia on January 19,1945.
My dad and his Flight Engineer, Chester Zukowski managed to bail out through the bomb bay, because the bomb bay doors were opened (they had just dropped their payload). The other 9 crew members went down with the plane.
Dad spent 6 months as a POW in Stalag 13.
Many years later (1966), when Bob Crane, star of the series "Hogan's Heroes" learned that there actually had been a REAL Hogan in Stalag 13, he visited with us in Birmingham, Alabama where we lived.
Bob Crane was a great guy, but my dad was a real hero.
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Information courtesy of Richard Hogan, son of Robert Hogan