T/Sgt. Thaddeus F. Guzan
721st Squadron

















Bob Hamilton, Bill Harris, Ted Guzan & Wendell Harber





Naples, 17 March 1945 - Green, Charlie & Ted
6 Feb 1945 - Charlie, Nase, Ted and Waldrop
Ted Guzan, radio operator, volunteered with his pilot to fly the new B 36 in the pacific after the war in Europe came to an end and was on his way to train at an Air Force base in california
when the war in the pacific ended.
He never had a chance to see the inside of the B 36 but hopes to see it up close one of these days.
After leaving the Army Air Corps he returned to his home in Chicago IL where he attended college, married and had a son Thaddeus Guzan Jr.
He spent most of his career in transportation and as an exceptional athlete.
He became a regional golf champion along the way, a game he still plays today, on a good day he can still shoot in the 70's.
He has kept in good physical health over the years and has the energy and stamina of a man half his age.
Teddy has an insatiable quest for knowledge and will study a subject until he feels comfortable with the knowledge he has acquired and gladly shares that knowledge with friends and family.
Music is something else he has always enjoyed and still plays the harmonica as he did while serving in the Army Air Corps.
Called "Guzie" by his pilot Lloyd White who he remembers fondly along with the other crew members when he talks about the war years with the 450th Bomb Group.
He takes pride in his service and still has a booklet he started during the war years of the missions they went on along with the names of his fellow crew members.
The photo that appears HERE, of Ted and his crew was a surprise to him, he named each person especially three of his friends that were shot
down after joining another flight crew. He has wanted to find the men he served with and I was fortunate enough to be with him during one of these conversations and looked up his outfit
on the internet where we found the picture of his crew.
Uncle Teddy is planning on attending the reunion of the 450th BG planned for september 2008 for a day or two only, as he is the sole care giver for his older brother Al,
a former army sergeant, and hopes to see some of his friends.
For those crew members and family who cannot attend the reunion please drop him a note at my e-mail address.
I know he would like to hear from you.
Link to Flight Records
Link to Crew Pictures