

James with his sister, "Babs" (Barbara)

Letters from Babs

Letters from Babs

Letters from Babs

Letters from Babs

Letters from Babs

James was killed on a Mission to Austria,
23 Feb 1944

The Aero Engine Works, Steyr Austria (pictured here in 2003)
produced Messerschmitt ME 109's during the war.
This plant was the target for the 450th on 23 February 1944.

James flew aboard the SH Mouse Esq. He drew this sketch.

James and parts of the S.H. Mouse were found in the Linet Forest.
This 2003 photo shows a gap in the trees to be the approximate site of the wreckage.

A Fireman stands guard over the main fuselage - 1944

Locals attend the farmhouse where the fusealage landed - 1944

The farmhouse in 2003

The farmhouse in 2003

James was buried in Krenglbach.

Barbara, Brian & Val in front of the church where James is buried.

Val presents Wolfgang (An Austrian Researcher/Historian) with a 450th Medallion.
Pictures provided by Brian Romano, nephew of James Flynn.