2nd Lt. John A. Boerema
720th Squadron

John Boerema - 6 December 1941

Special Order 103

The following pages are from the scrapbook of John (Jack) Boerema. The book was found on a municipal dump and forwarded to the 450th website.
We have attempted to reproduce the scrapbook in digital format in the same order the original is displayed.
Each page is displayed as is and then the individual pictures/attachments/documents/booklets and keepsakes are displayed in higher resolution.
Pages 76 through 95 were loose articles in the book. I (the webmaster) have added them at the end for display purposes.

After a long search, we were able to return the scrapbook to the Boerema family.
Here is Elle, Lt. Boerema's granddaughter and her two daughters, with the book.
Scrapbook provided by Chris Corino. Thanks Chris
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