T/Sgt Scott M. Aylesworth Jr.
720th Squadron


A poem by Scott Aylesworth.
I knew you once upon a time,
Like I knew many more,
I think I knew your last name
Before I learned the score.
You worked and slept along side me,
A member of the crew,
Not knowing you would soon be gone,
Your life would soon be through.
You did your duty on the gun,
You were good at what you did.
No one would think by watching you,
That you were just a kid.
I really don't know what it was
That hit you on that day,
No time to stop, we carried on
No one knew what to say.
Your place was filled by another kid,
Who looked about the same.
And now I wish I knew you then....
I wish I knew your name.
This poem was submitted by Lewis F. Setzer, 720th Squadron
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