S/Sgt. Carlton Anderson
722nd Squadron


















Seperation date: 17 November 1945 at Grenier Field N.H.
Aerial Gunner (611)
Campaign's: No. Apennines, Po Valley and Central Europe
Decoration's and Citation's: Purple Heart, Good Conduct Medal, Victory Medal, WWII Am Theater, Service Medal, European, African, Middle Eastern Theater Service Medal w/4Bronze Stars.
S/Sgt Carlton Anderson War Diary
December 18 Ship
927 Mission 11
Target Florensborf Oil Refineries in Vienna - attempt to
Destroy Germany's production of oil.
Flak heavy, Moderate, inaccurate
Fighters none P-38's escort
Bombload 8-500lbs
Time 7h 30m
Mission unsuccessful Bombs dropped 3min. before Target
Recon photo day after shows Fair to Excellent Results as a
December 21 Ship
927 Mission 19 Sortie 12
Target marshalling yard at Rosenheim, Germany: 40 miles
South of Munich
Flak none
Fighters none P-51 escort 15 planes
Bombload 10-500lb
Mission Bombed by P.F.F. under cover
Time 8hrs. Approximate
Open waist windows, extreme cold. Irish passed out Lowering
Ball Turret.
Temp. -300C
December 27 Ship
894 Mission 20 Sortie 13
Target Rail-line winding through Brenner Pass Bombed
section around Mt. upper section of grade.
Flak Heavy moderate accurate 449th ship blew up
Fighter rumored 1-JU88 near Italian coast escort P-38's
Bombload 3-2000lbs
Mission successful
January, 4, 1945 Mission 21 Sortie 14
Ship 441 "Bachelor Blitz"
Target South marshalling yard near Bolzano, Italy just
3000 ft. from Ora R.R. Bridge
Flak Heavy - -
accurate 17 or more pieces of flak plastered ship. Smashed Ball Turret Hydralic
Fighters nil P-51 Escort
Bombload 8-500lbs
Time 7h 35m
Capt. Young Pilot
Lt. Haley Co-Pilot
Navigator Lake
Came straight in for Landing Left formation near Taranto.
Tire blown on right Landing gear. Marvelous job Done by Capt. Young in
controlling Ship. No injurys to Personel on board. Tire & Brake Drum
Destroyed. FINIS
February 5, 1945 Ship
#918 Mission 24 Sortie 16
Target marshalling yard, warehouse, Roundhouses at
Salzburg, Germany
Flak nil for our box: very surprising
Fighters none 51 & 38 seen around target area
Bombload 8-500lbs.
Time Approx. 8hrs.
Result fair to excellent
Feb. 13, 1945 Ship
#387 Mission 25 Sortie 17
Target marshalling yards at Zagreb, Yugoslavia
Flak heavy intense accurate
Piece severed oxygen line on Command deck, Cities covered by
barrage of A.A.
Fighters 4 unidentified plane N. of cities 51's seen
going to target
Bombload 8-500lbs
Take off 1030 Return 1605
Bombed visually
Feb. 17, 1945 Mission 27 Sortie 18
Ship 894 "Stripped For Action"
Target Linz marshalling yard Austria (Weather prevents
Bombing of original Target) 2 Boxes
bomb Graz.
Flak practically nil few burst within range before I.P.
Large Quantities of flak were seen but not encountered by us.
Fighters none actually reported P-51's for cover &
Bombload 8-500lb.
Results 10/10 cover over target and Have prevented any
visual observations.
Time 7h. 35min.
Reached 27,500' in attempt To get above weather.
February 21, 1945 Mission 29 Sortie 19
Ship 524 Little
Target Mersendorf Marshalling yard Southest corner of
Vienna Clear
Flak Heavy, intense, accurate
Piece in #4 Left Flap & Wing
Fighters some reported in vicinity none engaged us. P-51's
serve as escort for cover & withdrawal.
Bombload 8-500lbs.
Results Reports satisfactory
Time 8hrs. Approx.
February 24, 1945 Mission 30 Sortie 20
Ship #927 "My Akin Ass"
Target Marshalling yards at Verona, Italy
Flak Moderate to heavy, Intense, Accurate
Fighters none 51's as escort
Bombload 8-500lbs
Results Good, Moulto Smoke arising from Target Weather Bad
most of the way to the Target. Box Leader Shannon gets unexploded shell through
#4 engine; rumored he Landed safely at Florence.
March 8, 1945 Ship 954 Mission 32 Sortie 21
Target marshalling yard at Komaron, Hungary Direct
support to Russian Ground Forces Target
not visible went after alternate at Maribor, Yugo. Again Did not bomb
finally jettisoned bombs in Adriatic.
Flak Heavy, Moderate, accurate
Fighter none encountered reported seeing some in various
areas. P-38 escort give good cover.
Bombload 8-500lbs.
Landed in Foggia for gas.
March 12, 1945 Ship
918 Mission 34 Sortie 22
Target marshalling yards serving Florisdorf oil refinery
in Vienna bomb by P.F.F.
Flak heavy intense to moderate inaccurate good shooting for cloud coverage
Fighters none encountered but many scores though
reported in area.
Bombload 8-500lbs.
March 20, 1945 Ship
863 Mission 38 Sortie 24
Target bombed marshalling yard at An Austria
Flak none
Fighters none
8-P-38 serve escort beautiful cover withdrawal
Bombload 8-500 4-1000lbs.
Results Good Fires started B-17 from other Group catches fire & blows up 6 chutes seen
Good Mission
March 22, 1945 Ship
810 L Mission 40 Sortie 25
Target Southeast Goods Depot Vienna Clear
Flak Heavy, intense, accurate
Lead ship = covered with hole
#3 ship lands in Yugo
Our ship had hard hits in Wing
Fighters none encountered 20 P-38's as escort
Bombload 8-500lbs.
Lt. VanDerMoere flying Dep Lead Takes over Lead on return to
Good pattern of bombs on target.
March 24, 1945 #918 Mission
42 Sortie 26
Target Airfield at Neuberg, Germany N.E. of Munich
Flak 1 burst much seen over Munich
Fighters 2 Jet-propelled over target area Did not make
passes at our box P-38's as escort
Bombload frag's
Visual good results seen
March 26, 1945 Ship
927 Mission 44 Sortie 27
Target Brux, Hungary marshalling yard
Flak none
Fighters none many seen on airfield in target area.
P-51's fly good cover as escort
Bombload 40-100lbs
#3 engine smokes on return Cylinder blew feathered
Irish finishes
April 1, 1945 Ship 804 Mission 46 Sortie 28
Target St. Polten M/Y Austria between Linz and Venna.
Flak none
Fighters none
Bombload 10-500lbs
Beautiful concentrations of hits in yard much black smoke
April 5, 1945 Ship 804 Mission 47 Sortie 29
Target bridge at Dravagard Yugo spanning Drava river
Flak none
Fighters none
Bombload 10-500lbs
Result smoke & dust over bridge results not too good
April 7, 1945 441 Mission 48 Sortie 30
Target Assigned to Brenner Pass
Feathered engine over Northern Italy Landed at Zara, Yugo
brought rep. ship to Foggia. Ferryed home.
April 9, 1945 Ship 323 Mission 49 Sortie 31
Target Direct Support to 8th Army
Bombload Frags
Well planned mission
Information courtesy of Priscilla Utter, daughter of Carlton Anderson