Cpl. Lars B. Adamson
720th Squadron

Cpl. Adamson was in Europe from Dec 30, 1943 to May 24, 1945 as a Radio Operator / Gunner.
His honorable discharge list of battles and campaigns are: Air Offensive Europe, Air Combat, Naples-Foggia, Normandy, North Apennines, Northern France, PO Valley, Rhineland Rome-Arno and Southern France.
He received the distinguished unit badge with oak leaf cluster, European-African-Middle Eastern Service medal, good conduct medal.
He took his last flight in 1967.

Readable names from this picture include:
William T. Pratt-720th, Lester Lamond, Gary Pruit-720th, Walter Swieca-720th, Clarence Huff-720th, Walter Brumlot, Joe Defarerie, Michael Petran-720th, Manuel Gil Derubio-720th, Hugh Fleenor-720th, Ralph Gauker-721st, Larry Peterson-720th

Cpl. Adamson's Photo Gallery
Information courtesy of Marsha A. Robinson, daughter of Lars Adamson.